Saturday, August 14, 2010

We are starting an Around the World Cooking Club

for our local homeschooling group and friends.  My kids LOVE to cook - so this will be a great way to practice and refine our cooking skills, have a chance to socialize and travel the world via our kitchen.  Win, win, win!

Here is the preliminary vision for our club (subject to change once we get going):

The premise:  Meet once a month to cook a meal from a pre-determined country - a different country would be featured each month.  As a group we will make an appetizer, a main dish, a side dish and a dessert each month.  The kids who participate will be divided into "cooking teams" and each team will prepare one of the items listed above.  The teams will alternate, so each group will make at least two main dishes, two appetizers (etc.) over the course of the year. 

How do we decide what countries?
  We'll put this up for vote at our first meeting.  For the first meeting, we will visit Mexico.  As we're cooking, the kids can work together and come up with a list of countries that they would like to visit...  My thoughts are China, Italy, Japan, India, Thailand, and Greece.  There are many other possibilities, of course.
Cost:  Each family will be expected to provide an ingredient or two each month.    I'll send a list prior to each meeting (at least a week ahead of time.)

So, if you'd like to see how our club develops, feel free to drop by the blog anytime.  I will keep our recipes, our successes and our challenges recorded here on the blog.